California Sex Crime Defense Law Firm
Case Results: Actual Sex Crime Case Victories Achieved by Wallin & Klarich
- A minor was facing felony molestation charges in Juvenile Court. The individual’s parents retained the services of a Wallin & Klarich attorney to represent their son. The case went on for some time, but the family was able to call or meet with their attorney at any time during the court process to discuss the case. At the conclusion of the trial, the minor was able to avoid any time in custody and the family was able to put the entire ordeal behind them.
- An individual was charged with the rape of a child under 12 years of age, sodomy of a child under 12 years of age, and indecent acts with a child under 12 years of age. He was facing a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted of these crimes. The accused was referred to Wallin & Klarich because of the firm’s success and experience dealing with serious sex cases.
Wallin & Klarich assigned an attorney with familiarity and experience in the client’s jurisdiction to the case. The attorney moved aggressively to present the facts to the court and prosecutor. Eight evidentiary motions were filed to present the client’s side of the story to the jury. During the trial, the prosecutor mentioned he would be seeking 28 years in prison for the accused. However, the jury took just over an hour to decide not guilty on all counts.The client was able to walk out of the courtroom a free man and go back to his family and job.
- An individual was charged with ten counts of California Penal Code Section 288(a) for lewd and lascivious acts with two children under the age of 14 years and six counts of Pedal Code Section 288.5 for continued sexual abuse of two children under the age of 14 years. The accused was facing 56 years in state prison.The services of Wallin & Klarich were retained because of the firm’s experience in child abuse cases. Also, the fact that Wallin & Klarich assigned particular attorneys to specific courts to become familiar with court personnel and procedures gave the client much needed reassurance. With these strong suits, the Wallin & Klarich attorney representing the client aggressively negotiated with the District Attorney regarding the specifics of the case. Although the charges leveled against the accused were very serious, there were many insufficient shortcomings on the part of the defense. In the end, all charges were dismissed. The result allowed the client to return to life before the accusations, and noted the relief from painful amounts of stress.
- An individual was charged with sexual battery after a woman he was in a consensual relationship with accused him of sexual battery. The accused faced a year in jail if convicted and would have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. He was not only distraught over the charge filed against him, but was also disturbed by the nature of the accusations.The individual opened the yellow pages and came across dozens and dozens of ads for attorneys. He called a number of firms but was left disappointed. It wasn’t until he spoke with Wallin & Klarich that he felt confident enough to meet with an attorney to further discuss the case.The Wallin & Klarich attorney successfully argued the client’s case by pointing out all of the inconsistencies in the police report and the testimony of the alleged victim. Upon conclusion of the trial, the case was dismissed.
- A family retained the services of Wallin & Klarich after their son was arrested and charged with statutory rape and domestic battery. If convicted, he would have to serve jail time and register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. Complicating the case even more was a police officer’s claim that the son admitted to a sexual relationship with a minor.Wallin & Klarich were retained because of the firm’s experience and success in defending sexual assault cases. The family lived out of state and a Wallin & Klarich attorney arranged for their son to return home. Despite the distance, the firm was always available to speak with the family through the phone or email.When the case went to trial, the prosecutor insisted on a guilty plea and a 90 day jail sentence. However, the Wallin & Klarich attorney handling the case saw the difficulties the prosecution could have in proving certain elements of the charges. After aggressive lobbying, the client’s attorney was able to have the statutory rape charge dismissed. The client pleaded guilty to the battery charge only, and was ordered to an anger management program and eight hours of community service. There would be no jail time and the son would not have to register as a sex offender.
- An individual was forced to register his information and photo on a sex offender website. His face was seen all over the internet, which forced him to leave jobs, stores, restaurants, and was even threatened with great bodily harm from the police.The services of Wallin & Klarich were retained to help in this matter. The Wallin & Klarich attorney assigned to the client was successful in obtaining an internet exclusion for the client. The client’s personal information can no longer be freely seen on the internet.